
There is a world of investment opportunity out there.

How much are you seeing?

A Full Suite of Asset Management Services

Berkeley Capital Partners is a Registered Independent Advisor located in Atlanta, Georgia. Together, with its private equity arm, Access Private Capital, our firm manages over $900 million in assets.*
*As of 6/01/2023

Our Investment Platform

Private Investments
Be it wealth creation, preservation or a combination of the two, our access to quality private market investments in addition to our custom public equity and bond portfolios and planning services offer multiple paths to reach your goals.

Our Investment Philosophy

  • Defense vs Offense

    Market losses often have a bigger impact on  investment performance than market gains.

  • Simple vs Complex

    Investment strategies do not have to be  complicated or expensive to be good.

  • Look Beyond Stocks and Bonds

    Access to quality private investments can substantially impact a qualified investor’s wealth trajectory.

  • Eat Your Own Cooking

    You’ll never see anything from us that we’re not invested in ourselves.

From public markets to private investments,

Allow Berkeley Capital Partners and Access Private Capital expand your view of what’s possible.
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